Earth was once balanced, everything thrived. Nature was in harmony, birds sang to the morning sky, crickets chirped at night. But that's just it. It was balanced.
Two years ago, Earth suffered an unexplained event. Some think it was sun flares that scorched our world. Others think the scale was tipped too far and balance was lost. Over the course of a few months, everything we knew was dying. It didn't take long for nature to suffer the worst of it. Plants that couldn't adapt to the extreme heat and desert-like conditions died off quickly. Humans were one of the first species to go, fickle they ended up being. Many other species followed, with few survivors. Over 90 percent of everything we knew was gone in the first 6 months. Survivors learned to adapt, most of us traveled at night and hid during the day when the heat was at its worst. We called the land The Scorch.
We learned how to survive The Scorch, but were naive to think that would last. Earths balance was lost after all, so how could we expect to survive?
A year into The Scorch, five beasts appeared who called themselves Ignis, Terra, Vita, Ventus and Aqua. They claimed to live in a place called The Golden City, a beautiful Roman-style city untouched by mortals and safe from The Scorch. A beautiful roman-styled city safe from The Scorch. Whispers of their existence spread like wildfire. The beasts offered a game to The Scorch survivors, a game inside their city that should you win, they would let you live there and grant you access to their power, away from the wasteland you currently lived in. Nobody really knows what ever came of that. Little did we know the beasts did pick their players, and brought them to their city. They played the game, but were never seen again. Nor were the beasts.
It was around this time that things took a turn.
A sharp turn.
Heat turned to cold, sun rays turned to snowflakes. Briefly, we thought Earth was balancing itself out again... but we were not prepared for what was to come. The desert floor we once traveled was now covered in snow, and freezing temperatures. This wiped out half the remaining survivors.. And we have no idea why things took a sudden change.
One thing is for certain... These events didn't just happen for no reason.
Do you have what it takes to find out?
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