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Click the images to be taken to the file.


                                          Our application is a bit different than most groups. Here we will break down everything you need to do..

1) You will need a fullbody picture of your character (put into the middle of the circle portion of the application). This fullbody picture can either be A. Something you drew B. Something you commissioned C. A lineart. You MUST credit the artist if you use commission or lineart work.

2) The next area you'll see is Spirit Group, leave this blank until you are assigned a Spirit Group. Once you are assigned a Spirit Group after being accepted you can edit your application to display which Spirit Group you have been assigned to.

3) Next you'll see our characters name, age, gender and sexuality, please fill that out!

4) Next is your characters color palette (the colors that make up their design), make sure to include those!

5) Next is the personality portion, which gets confusing, however this will explain how to fill that part out.

In the rounded yellow squares you need to color them in...

 GREEN  if this personality trait fits your character perfectly.
 YELLOW  if this personality trait semi fits your character but not fully.
 RED  if this personality trait doesn't fit your character.

The purpose of the personality and red, yellow, green system is to help us assign you a Spirit Group. It also serves as having you, the roleplayer, thoroughly think out your characters personality.

6) Make sure to also fill out the questionnaire and include your questionnaire answer in your application, bare in mind what the personality test gives you is not certain the Spirit Group you'll get. CLICK HERE for the QUESTIONNAIRE

7) Then is the written bio, here you can find what we require for that.

8) Lastly is the headshot link next to the application above. You must color it and edit it (if you want) of your character and include the headshot as a link to it in your application, so that we can click it and save the file. If you're unable to color it yourself you must find someone who is able to. Applications without a headshot won't be considered. Many people on the Discord chat will be more than happy to help you out with this.

When you're all done your application, you're now ready to submit to the Pending folder!

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